PGNiG Group anti-corruption and fraud prevention policy
One of the overriding principles of the entire PGNiG Group is to act in an honest and ethical manner. PGNiG S.A. and the PGNiG Group entities have a reputation for integrity both in their management practices and in their relations with contractors and customers, and it is important to maintain this reputation.
The PGNiG Group therefore completely rejects corruption in any form in its business. It is the objective of all companies in the PGNiG Group to completely eliminate any corrupt events that may take place in the PGNiG Group.
It is of paramount importance that the PGNiG Group as a whole, as well as each person employed by the PGNiG Group and the entities cooperating with the PGNiG Group, take measures to prevent and combat any manifestations of behaviour which may constitute fraud, including in particular corruption. The PGNiG Group companies require their employees to observe the principles set out in the PGNiG Group code of ethics and to be honest and upstanding in all their actions, including business transactions and in their relationships with any persons or organisations. This PGNiG Group anti-corruption and fraud prevention policy supplements the provisions of the PGNiG Group code of ethics with control mechanisms designed to prevent events that constitute corruption or abuse.
We invite you to read PGNiG Group anti-corruption and fraud prevention policy.